Family Fun at Lake George


We’re having a wonderful time up here at Lake George. The kiddies just love the mountains and the many fun things to do in the village. My youngest, Emma, has to go for a twirl on the carousel nightly before we head back to our place. My oldest, Liam, loves the arcades and miniature golfing. There’s so much to do for the kids and adults alike. Great restaurants, quaint shops, fantastic ice cream & treats, casual pubs (plus biker pubs if you’re into Harleys) are just some of the things to do in Lake George Village. Of course, if you are into boating, there’s plenty of marinas and cruise lines. The Minnie Ha-Ha has a great tour of the lake that runs hourly during the summer season.

Hope everyone is having a great day! TGIF! 🙂


A little getaway


Tomorrow we embark on a week long getaway to Lake George! I am truly looking forward to getting out of NYC with the kids to have some family fun! Thankfully my parents are joining us so I’ll get some time to READ as well! Speaking of which, I can’t wait to start Kim Headlee’s Dawnflight. For all my fellow Arthurian fans, this is a must read!


I will keep you all updated with all things Family Fun and Arthurian. Be well 🙂

All My Best,