Jill M Roberts’ The Power of Thought


The Power of Thought

You view me as malicious,
Intending on wounding ones in my path.
You’re wrong, it’s just circumstance.
Circumstance has made me pay the price.
Now it’s time I hop off the wheel of suffering.
Offer up my faux pas, mistakes, oversights
Whatever you may call it.

It is time for peace.
Peace within.
For time does not exist.
And life is eternal.
We make our own heaven and hells
Here on Earth.
We make that choice.
I and we must become righteous and change.
The power of thought is resilient.
It’s the ego, who wants to hold on with all its force
To keep us in fear.
It is time for peace within.

So you are mistaken with your “knowingness” of me
And your philosophies are the same.
Time for change.
Yes; however not the type of change you infer.
I do not need to be knocked down by you,
You who think that all the answers are there –
Move, cut people out, etc…
The answer is within my essence.
My problems are miniscule in comparison
To the real problem.
The separation from God and my brothers.

If I change my thoughts to one with Him,
All the right people and things will come into my life.
I won’t keep making same mistakes with the same people.
For all I can do is try and be patient.
Put my talent to use,
And not “die with my music still in me”.
I owe it to God, myself and my audience
To make an impression.
Do what I was put here to do.

Pain is easier to write than happiness.
We all can validate pain effortlessly.
But it is the Joy and Happiness that should be validated.
Most of us are stuck, here, in a place where the darkness
Seems like it will last forever.
That is our choice, our misperception.
We can change by seeing the good and innocence in people,
Even when it’s hard.
Love cannot be taught, it is something we own.
Send love or send fear.
God has granted free will.
From now on I choose Heaven and peace.
From now on I choose to send Love.

Jill M Roberts’ A Moment of Happiness


A Moment of Happiness

It started out as an ordinary day,
Any ordinary day in one’s life.
We had probably been out the night before,
This memory escapes me now.
We woke to coffee and cigarettes
As we usually did.

You were on the Gucci site
Showing me the style of suit you had wanted.
We decided to hit Gucci on 5th Avenue.
Parenthetically, if you remember,
I wore sweats and a T-shirt, and you,
You wore your father’s old suit which kept it’s wear.
Here we were, walking toward Gucci,
Debating on whether I should visit Iceland on holiday.

Outside the store,
We were one of the anonymous,
But inside, we stepped into another world,
One of the rich, on 5th Avenue in New York City
Where price tags do not exist.
I remember the elevator ride and our conversation.
Stepping out to be greeted by a salesperson,
Whom I ordered around and kept on his toes due to his thirst for a sale.

A vision of you,
Standing there in the suit chalked up by the tailor.
I handed you a wine glass filled with Pelligrino,
To wash down the Xanax forced into your mouth.
When all was done, we were outside again,
Amongst the anonymous.

Later that night, we sat at the Whiskey Bar celebrating our day.
I remember hearing glimpses of U2’s “Beautiful Day”
In the background and thinking how appropriate.
I thought this was the beginning of happiness,
And there would always be more.
It was happiness, the moment.
All our feelings, yours and mine, all mixed up.
The madness of it all.
You see I wanted to give you it all, the world if possible.
To make you happy, in every viable platform.
I know now you didn’t feel the same.
Left with everything unsaid and undone between us.

Having that one day with you was my moment of happiness.
You have given all you had to offer for me.
For us.
I am here and you are there,
A huge distance between us.
Know, even though we have not spoken,
I am here,
For the conversation, the friendship, the silence.
Remember always what I said to you before I fled to England,
The night we walked the promenade;
Love doesn’t end just because we don’t see one another.
No matter how you look at it,
It’s only Love after all.

i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

~e. e. cummings


Quote of the Day!


and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

E.E. Cummings

Edward Estlin “E.E.” Cummings (October 14, 1894 — September 3, 1962) was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. His body of work encompasses approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays and several essays, as well as numerous drawings and paintings. He is remembered as an eminent voice of 20th century poetry.

I was lucky enough to find an old book store on the Upper West Side of Manhattan a few years ago. There I came across a first edition e.e. cummings collection of poems for $15! What a treasure!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday wherever you are in the world!
All My Best,
Jill aka 1MorganLeFaye

Birthday Weekend

Had a wonderful birthday weekend last week with my mom & the kids. My birthday & my mom’s are a day apart so every year we celebrate together. This year I am so grateful that my family and myself are healthy & happy!
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend as well! 🙂
